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C.S. Osborne & Co

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Strap End Punch No.0150 - V Shape Belt Punch

Strap End Punch No.0150 - V Shape Belt Punch


£63.99£57.49 INC VAT: £76.79

C.S. Osborne & Co

No.0150 V shape strap end/belt punch is made from high quality drop forged steel and will give years of service, as a result this product comes with a lifetime guarantee. Available in a range of 15 widths, the traditional V shaped point is favoured by belt & watch strap makers, also used by other leather working professionals. We recommend No.90 hickory ..

Strap End Punch No.150 - U Shape Belt Punch

Strap End Punch No.150 - U Shape Belt Punch


£57.99£51.99 INC VAT: £69.59

C.S. Osborne & Co

No.150 U shape strap end/belt punch is made from high quality drop forged steel and will give years of service, as a result this product comes with a lifetime guarantee. Available in a range of 15 widths, we recommend No.90 hickory mallet or No.196 rawhide mallet when using these punches...

Swivel Knife Tool No.444

Swivel Knife Tool No.444


£34.99£31.99 INC VAT: £41.99

C.S. Osborne & Co

No.444 plain swivel knife. This Is the most important tool needed when carving leather. It allows a precise cut for quick and intricate designs. This is non adjustable, so the length cannot be shortened or lengthened. The length of this tool is 4", and has a hardened steel blade...

Thonging Chisel No.491

Thonging Chisel No.491


£21.99£19.99 INC VAT: £26.39

C.S. Osborne & Co

The Osborne No.491 1 prong thonging chisel is made from high grade tempered tool steel. Best possible quality for long life. For making slits in leather for lacing, cutting out designs or slits for pronged hardware and many more applications.Available in 1/8" and 3/32" prong widths.Also in 2,3,4 and 8 prong options - see other listings...

Thonging Chisel No.492

Thonging Chisel No.492


£21.99£19.99 INC VAT: £26.39

C.S. Osborne & Co

The Osborne No.492  2 prong thonging chisel is made from high grade tempered tool steel. Best possible quality for long life. For making slits in leather for lacing, cutting out designs or slits for pronged hardware and many more applications.Available in 1/8" and 3/32" prong widths.Also in 1,3,4 and 8 prong options - see other listings...

Thonging Chisel No.493

Thonging Chisel No.493


£21.99£19.99 INC VAT: £26.39

C.S. Osborne & Co

The Osborne No.493  3 prong thonging chisel is made from high grade tempered tool steel. Best possible quality for long life. For making slits in leather for lacing, cutting out designs or slits for pronged hardware and many more applications.Available in 1/8" and 3/32" prong widths.Also in 1,2,4 and 8 prong options - see other listings...

Thonging Chisel No.494

Thonging Chisel No.494


£21.99£19.99 INC VAT: £26.39

C.S. Osborne & Co

The Osborne No.494 4 prong thonging chisel is made from high grade tempered tool steel. Best possible quality for long life. For making slits in leather for lacing, cutting out designs or slits for pronged hardware and many more applications.Available in 1/8" and 3/32" prong widths.Also in 1,2,3 and 8 prong options - see other listings...

Thonging Chisel No.498

Thonging Chisel No.498


£30.99£27.99 INC VAT: £37.19

C.S. Osborne & Co

The Osborne No.498 8 prong thonging chisel is made from high grade tempered tool steel. Best possible quality for long life. For making slits in leather for lacing, cutting out designs or slits for pronged hardware and many more applications.Available in 1/8" or 3/32" prong widths.Also in 1,2,3 and 4 prong options - see other listings...

Wing Divider Tool No.106

Wing Divider Tool No.106


£79.99£71.99 INC VAT: £95.99

C.S. Osborne & Co

No.106 wing divider – the nuts on the wings are steel. Washers are of steel. The points are carefully hardened and every care is taken with the threads of the screws, which hold the legs in position on the wings. The springs are carefully tempered and are made for easy adjustment while holding the legs firmly. Made to U.S. Government specifications - forged ..

Showing 37 to 45 of 45 (5 Pages)